Document 1856 DOCN M94A1856 TI Adapting field model programme to suit community level interventions: HIV/AIDS prevention among truckers in Tamil Nadu. DT 9412 AU Kumaresan G; Amarjothi-South India AIDS Action Programme, Tamil Nadu, India. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):436 (abstract no. PD0354). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370719 AB PROBLEM: We have been working with the truckers in Madras, Tamil Nadu for the past two years and distributing condoms among them apart from educating them on STDs/HIV/AIDS. Truck drivers are especially susceptible to HIV infection through unprotected sex. Majority of truckers regularly indulge in unprotected sex with women along the highways. From Tamil Nadu about a lakh of truck drivers move to different states. Of these, we were able to interact with only 5% of the truckers. To cover more people and to provide them with information on STDs/HIV/AIDS and distribute condoms, we are now working in many other destinations in Tamil Nadu that i.e. in Coimbatore, Tuticorin, Tirunelveli, Hosur, Thanjavur and Namakkal in partnership with local non-governmental organisations. METHOD: 1. Mapping the trucking route 2. Identifying NGOs 3. Onsite training 4. Condom lift-offs RESULTS: After identifying NGOs and training them in all aspects of HIV/AIDS, six NGOs are now working with us in the are of AIDS prevention among truckers. CONCLUSIONS: In Tamil Nadu all six non-governmental organisations are successfully working with that community. Now we plan to adopt similar kind of field models in Karnataka, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh soon. DE Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/PREVENTION & CONTROL *Condoms *Health Education Human HIV Infections/*PREVENTION & CONTROL India Sexually Transmitted Diseases/PREVENTION & CONTROL MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).